It rained that day. We loafed around the lake house waiting. Waiting for the sun. Waiting to ski. It was our last day. This image sums it up for me.
I rarely shoot wide and I rarely shoot slice of life, when capturing the essence of the true story is even more important than the lighting and composition. It requires patience and at the same time, a quick impulse. I get a little fearful when I share moments like this because they feel so personal. It’s a privilege to get close to people in their homes, and to share a few moments of their lives through honest eyes.
I had been soaking in Rick Smolan’s newest book, America at Home, that weekend as seen in my lap above. I met Rick many years ago and instantly became a fan of his work and unique approach to visual storytelling through the eyes of photojournalists from all over the world. America at Home is an amazing collection of images and words that will broaden your view of America and expand your definition of the word “home.” There’s a great interview with Rick on BlogHer by ClizBiz about the story behind America at Home that you might enjoy, and if you really want to be wowed by the power of photojournalism, check out his TED Talk: A girl, a photograph, a homecoming.
Now let’s see a slice of your life. Share a link to your image in the comments.
(And stay tuned for my interview with Rick about his life as a photojournalist.)
Just about everything on my blog is a slice of life — something I’ve spent the past 240 days (or so) working on… My blog is a 365 photo a day journal, you see!
And I’m loving that book too! Lots of photo inspiration!!
I love that book! I don’t know what about it draws me in for long stretches. Had to remove it from the coffee table, wasn’t getting anything accomplished during the day!
Here’s my slice of life.
…from when times were simpler.
Love your thoughts here. Keep it up =)
I love to see the slices of life too! It’s like a grand permission to feel what they endure what they’ve been having all the while.
In this photo, I intend to snap the curious little girl’s photo..but the going-ons behind me captured my eyes too. That little big-eyed girl is my niece, the grandma lying on the floor is my MIL and the two boys fighting: one of them is my son. Simple life in a village in Malaysia.
In a certain way – my daily blog is a ‘slice of life’. Not in the true photo-journaistic sense..but in the way that it’s meant to capture whatever ‘is’ on any particular day:
Lovely photo and thanks so much for the link to Rick’s TED talk. It was very interesting! Something I can relate as I have Amerasian cousins.
No time to hunt down a photo to share today though! Sorry!
going to bed just as the sun breaks the horizon… sleeping in all day long and waking to eat tea and toast… A students life-no less. But in these days, we relax and enjoy the time we have. We cuddle into each other and breathe in the warmth. Rain beats against the windows persistently…We’re safe in our cocoon.
your photo captures much…
my slice is on my blog- before I read SS today:
if only every morning could be this relaxed
I think this one is funny, my daughter from a couple of years ago.
I love your photo, and I know I’ll love that book. I’ll have to check it out.
I took this on my recent trip to Colorado to visit my brother and his family. It has my son before he changed out of his pajamas, and my sister-in-law while she works. I love how it’s just a moment of our time there. And I love how it shows this incredible house they’re renting in the mountains while my brother is stationed there.
Here in south Texas we don’t get much rain….but when it does we go outside and play. Here is our slice of life:
at the end of the cottage weekend, little bits of leftovers get cooked on the beach bbq. dipped in ketchup, eaten with fingers. always the best.
Peaceful afternoons preparing dinner:
Lovely shots, everyone!
My shot is similar in that there was a book on my lap. This is my first share. Thanks Shutter Sisters
I love slice of life photos. Yours does a wonderful job of capturing the moment!
I love the 4th photo in this blog post of my son looking out the window. What is he thinking right then? Is he really looking at something, or lost in thought?
my everyday life.
Taken this morning – while cousins sat in the same chair, watching TV in their pajamas and snacking on dry cereal…
for the rainbow’s frown
to turn upside down.(c)
here is my slice of life… i love this picture today and the whole point!! the ordinary days are sometimes the most wonderful… most of us forget to pic up our cameras on these days!! ๐
I always share pictures of my everyday life, and even tiny personal moments. I never felt fearful about it before. Maybe I should… I don’t know.
And what is it about watching other people’s daily life pictures that thrills us so much?
Here’s a glimpse:
on a summer evening — he has shed the suit, grabbed the newspaper and taken charge of the remote…
A slice of my life… well, with my hubby out of town on business for three weeks these pictures should give you a great slice of my life right now.
Sometimes I wish I had photographed my father’s hands or my mother’s eyes. I’ve tried to photograph myself now for my boys, who knows if they’ll appreciate it when they’re older. But I’ve also tried to capture pieces of their everyday lives on my blog and in some of my flickr sets. It’s those moments that make up the lasting memories of my life with them.
an ordinary day…
A slice of life, my cherished grandparent’s life.
I got up early today to push through all the editing I had to finish and send off to the lab. When I was done, I stretched my arms and looked out my window to see the most beautiful puffy white clouds shining with the sun coming up from the east. Later, we’d have a sweet little tropical shower, but right then, they just sort of lingered in my window saying "Good Morning, Sugar!" Here’s a shot of exactly what I saw… no touch ups or bokets… no artsy smartsy… just straight up.
Thanks for that great video, and thanks to everyone for a peek into their Everyday. It’s easy to forget that the every day is what makes up our lives and is what we’ll want to remember most!
Hello shuttersisters,
a slice of my life. hmmm. tricky.
ok. I get my daughter the first ready to have her pic taken, i position her where i want her – theres a lovely bit of light that’s just right there by her head. She is looking up at me just the way i want her too, i focus, finger on the button and …
‘kaboom’ daughter the second throws herself onto daughter the first. Both explode into fits of giggles and my finger goes down despite myself.
Have a lovely day
Nicky x
It was move in day a couple of days ago at the college in the town that I live in. LOTS happening. Plenty of "slices" capture.
I adore that photo. It reminds me that I need to take more everyday pictures like that in my life (not just of me, which I do for my 365 project, but of my husband and I together). Here is one of me on a Sunday afternoon, looking outside, my kitty close by:
I love photos that tell a story – at heart I think I’m more of a storyteller than a photographer. This photo is rich in story.
Thanks for sharing your photos and a piece of your life. I found your site by random chnce from another site because I liked your name…please check out my site and see my photos. I look forward to seeing more of yours. Becky
I love the juxtaposition of the album in the foreground and the subjects of this photograph focused in the back. Beautiful.
It’s been raining so much. I can’t wait for Fall to get here. C’mon Atlanta!