Each and every day we take one step after the next in true and utter trust that the ground beneath our feet will be there. That gravity will never forsake us. Who knew we traveled through our daily lives with such certainty with such faith? Karen Maezen Miller has a real knack for reminded us of truths that are so simple, they’re profound.
Our heads are often in a million places at once, darting from task to task, with a fret here and a worry there but we continue to walk, feet to ground without even thinking about it. It is what it is. The ground is there, no matter what. And even though we do realize that nothing is certain but this very minute, we keep going with a blind trust. The ultimate kind.
So what about this walking we do every day? What about where we land? Do we even notice where we rest our weight? Where we lay it all down with that kind of Universal faith?
I walked and walked and walked all over NY city today without much of an agenda at all. I can’t really remember when I did that. Walked just because I could. Maybe it was because I had a dear friend to guide me and keep me company. Or because I had some time to spend doing whatever I wanted around this amazing and new (to me) environment. The why is no matter. It was glorious. It was empowering and I couldn’t help but notice all the wonders that lay before me; at my feet.
I encourage you to walk and wander and notice what’s beneath you. And if you choose to take a camera along, I’d love to see what you see.