Yep, it’s that time of year again. I realize us West Coasters are late birds when it comes to starting a new school year (my girls don’t start until Sept 9th for goodness sakes) but I came accross a timely little blurb I wrote years ago about this time of year.
Being that we’re all photo enthusiasts here I wanted to share with you perhaps my most favorite ways to use a family photo in an unique and meaningful way. Pick up your pencils moms, it’s time to take notes.
Going to daycare or preschool for a young child is a big step into the world of the unknown. It can be difficult for both parent and child in the early stages of this kind of separation. In my case, my daughter is still weepy when I drop her off at school and it’s been almost 2 months. Who knew? On particularly tough days she seeks solace from the “comfort necklace” I made for her. It’s a simple heart shaped piece of laminated cardstock that I decorated with a photo of our family on one side a little love note on the other. It’s designed for her to hang around her neck (I used a lanyard with a clip on the end to hang it from) when she wants to keep us close.
When my oldest daughter began her preschool career I made one for her as well. She wore it everyday for almost the entire year. She even wore it when she went to babysitters or sleepovers with her grandparents. I loved that she could carry a piece of her father and I as she forged her own independence (albeit sometimes reluctant forging). When she would get nervous, she’d reach for it, hold it, and gaze at it as a reminder that she was not alone and we were always with her in her heart.
I hadn’t originally planned on making one for my youngest daughter. She acted as if she wouldn’t miss us one bit when she started school. But a week before her first day of school I began to feel the aching of our impending separation and decided to make one for her anyway; despite her super-confident attitude. As I tenderly cut out the paper heart and meticulously chose the photo and message for her necklace I realized that I was really making it for me more than for her. It felt good for me to give her something familiar, something that said, “You are loved” and that she would be reminded of that every time she looked at it.
It is true that my youngest hasn’t attached herself to her necklace quite as desperately as her sister did, but she still knows it’s tucked in her backpack, even when she doesn’t choose to wear it. It’s something very special and important to her. And on occasion when I pick her up from school and she’s got it draped around her neck, I know that a little piece of me was there for her when she needed it.
Like I said, that was years ago but the idea is still near and dear to my heart and the hearts of my daughters. My 11 year old still has her comfort hearts hanging on her bulletin board and my 6 year old will have one tucked away once again in her backpack as she heads out to first grade at her new school. It’s just one more way to make the most of some of those many photos we take! Photo above is my youngest circa school year ’07 at the tender age of 4.
So…you know what I’m going to beg of you next, don’t you? With or without a family photo hanging from their necks, would you please share your first day of school photos of your little ones with us? It’s that time of year again and I just can’t resist them!
djbeat says
this is so adorable – i am going to make one for MYSELF!
i return to work in 4 days after an amazing 365 days of maternity leave.
i am heartbroken.
Marcie says
Such a sweet and wonderful photo!!!
Here’s one of of a neighbor who asked me to photograph her with her dog so that she could bring him with her to school:
Irene says
that is so incredibly sweet Tracey.
I took a photo of my boys when they started kindergarten 4 years ago (kindergarten in France starts at age 3 and lasts 3 years, then kids enter first grade at age 6):
but I haven’t taken one since that day. this year, I definitely will.
kristin says
ok well now i am all choked up. i am wearing my heart on the outside these days. my tender gentle boy will be starting kindergarten in 2 weeks after never being away more than a day from my side. he is ever so excited. i love that he is. i want to be strong and be excited too. perhaps this idea will help a little. thank you says
This is such a wonderful keepsake. It must have given her so much courage.
Lu says
My three will be starting over the next two weeks and I am definitely taking pictures of the first day. It will be the first time my two youngest will not be in the same school and my oldest is starting at a technical high school. Mercy!
spread your wings says
i always loved those first day of school photos and it’s no different as they get older – and in college. My daughter sent me one of herself the first day of classes.
jakki says
SWEET idea!
this wasnt their first day of school but the first day of going to a ‘public’ day care EVER
carolyn says
wonderful, loving idea! thanks for sharing!
Chris says
No school here yet, either. We always start late here in SoCal. I’m lucky in that I’m the school’s photographer so I’ll be there taking tons of pics of all the kids, especially the sweet, new kindergartners. And I don’t care how old my kids are, I still get weepy when I send them off on their first day. I don’t think that will ever change.
Puna says
Very sweet. We start next week with mixed feelings.
dmcordell says
This is my daughter on her first day of Kindergarten c.1982 Both she and her younger brother continued on to get their college diplomas, so it couldn’t have been completely traumatizing.
Jean M Fogle says
You never, ever forget your children going off to school. Each year had its challenges but they were always hopeful as they stepped on that bus. Kevin, my now 30 year old son gladly got on the bus , but the next morning wanted to know if he had to go again. I thought it would be a long 12 years but my how they have flown.
I was too lazy to go find the actual prints, yes, it was the dark ages, no digital, so I posted some of the boys when they were waiting for the bus at different times.
Heather says
I love the idea of a wearable piece of love and family. I will definitely find a way to incorporate that. My girl is just starting kindy and not until the 9th either. I just found out our assigned bus stop is a short walk down the street so in my mind I can already see the photo of her in her blue polka dot dress she picked out with the blue polkadot backpack to match walking away from me.
Kelly says
what a wonderful idea. I’ll make mine this weekend since my girls start 1st grade on Monday! Since I don’t have 1st day of school pics to share yet, I’ll share some I took earlier this summer on a rainy play day.
Jessica says
Not the first day of school, but a few photos of the school I work at in Thailand. I’m sure a lot of these kids are missing their parents as well.
The kids here are just so adorable!
Andie says
CarrieJ says
What a marvelous idea!! I wish I had thought of that, but we are on to Second Grade and Katie was totally looking forward to school. If she didn’t have to wake up so early she would adore school all the time. Well, and if she could still take naps and only have to learn Kindergarten stuff.
This year I implemented the "Mommy Made" aspect to her first day. It is nothing like what my mom made for my first days, but I did make the little skirt peaking out ๐
(the next post is about the skirt if anyone wants to see)
Dawn @ My Home Sweet Home says
We homeschool and had never done class pictures, but we made some last week:
Laura says
How sad that you must force your poor child out of the loving home environment into the hands of one who does not know or love them as you do. There is an alternative…keep her home. Ah but that would require sacrifice on your part..hard work but most of all your time. Can’t have that can you. Give me a break and give your child some love.
Tracey Clark says
Laura, I’m sorry we don’t see eye to eye. First, I wish you had the courage to leave your comment with an email address and or website. I would have emailed you directly instead of having to leave a response here. None the less, my husband is a teacher in the public school system and we made a concious decision to send our daughters to school out of the home. The relationships that they have forged with other loving adults in thier lives (teachers being an important part of that list) has made them even more amazing than they already are. That is the choice we made for our family and I certainly would not judge someone else’s decision to do it differently. I’m sorry you feel the need to do so. It’s unfortunate.
Melbourne home builders says
She is so adorable. Look at her, isn’t she cute? Everybody has gone through that stage. I know she will do pretty good in school. Good Luck!
Melbourne home builders says
She is so adorable. Look at her, isn’t she cute? Everybody has gone through that stage. I know she will do pretty good in school. Good Luck!
June says
What a wonderful idea. I think I will have to make them for my kiddies too. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Here are a few from the first day of school: