1. Hooray for Summer ! Bright Red Umbrellas and a Very Blue Sky, 2. {223:365} – Soar, 3. Why she wakes early, 4. Summer Love, 5. Pencils, 6. Fifty two on Friday -Feet edition, 7. iphone friday, 8. chloe’s big day., 9. Better Days, 10. Nap, August 11th, 2:38pm, 11. Gerbera Fairy…, 12. In My Eyes, 13. nothing in life is ritual, 14. i’m kinda falling in love again, 15. 100/365, 16. this is where im from., 17. Wormsloe Marshes, 18. Cute As A Button, 19. Ferry trip, 20. Untitled, 21. drops, 22. from where I stand, 23. C A K E, 24. Globe Thistle
I was so inspired by the thoughtful and insightful comments shared on my post the other day posing the question, “what is photography to YOU.” Awesome stuff sisters! You, as always totally inspire me!
And so, in honor of the creative spark of conversation and the art of composition we are doing a giveaway today for one complimentary registration for my e-class of the same name. The super-fun twist is that there’s actually 3 ways to win! 3 is the magic number afterall (at least compositionally speaking).
Beyond our giveaway, I’m hosting a giveaway on my own blog this weekend too and the lovely and talented Ali Edwards is giving a spot away next weekend as an added bonus. That is 3 spots up for grabs in the next week! Woohoo! Be sure to leave a comment on all the posts to better your odds of winning.
I’m more excited than ever about the class and all the wonderful things we’re going to cover in The Art of Composition.
Today, all you need to do is leave your comment here between now and 8pm PST on Sunday for a chance to win a seat in the front roll of class (virtually that is). And while you’re here, we’d love to see some of your compositional handiwork. Got a shot to share? You know we’d love to see it.
And the winner is…
Arin S. YAY! Congrats! And thanks to everyone for your comments.
Jessie says
So exciting! I've just endured one of the most emotionally challenging months that I can remember and could definitely use some inspiration!!
Brenda says
I would love to win this. I am learning and have so far to go. But I am enjoying the journey.
pthurmond1 says
I've never participated in a photography class. How exciting that would be!!! Here is one of my recent favorites.
Marcie says
Ooooh…what fun!!!
Here's my today's composition:
kamana says
oh pick me, pick me, pick me… pretty please?
Rebecca says
I so want to take you class! Thank you very much for the chance!!
Carol E says
I'm learning more about composition every day! Thanks for the opportunity to win a spot in your class!
Kathryn Dyche Dechairo says
What a neat giveaway, I would definitely benefit from learning more about composition.
Cindy says
I have never done a photography class and would love to take yours!
I would add a picture but don't know how to do it. ๐
Janice says
I would love to win a spot in your composition class!
rakusribut says
hi tracey
already left a message on your blog
would love to win the giveaway spot
you have inspired me again with todays post
have made a composition for you on my iPhone with the diptic app
and here are the 4 elements of my composition
btw i simply love the name of this plant: butterbur….keep repeating it, it sounds soooo….. ehm….full…. big…. round…i don' t know…
here in the netherlands it is called Groot Hoefblad which sounds a lot less attractive
Becky Sue says
Would love to win a spot in this class!
Recently, while at the beach, I caught this fly over.
busymomma66 says
I would love to win and take my photography to the next level.
amanda says
I'd love to win this spot!
Niki says
I would love a chance to take this class and see what I can learn. What an amazing opportunity!
Jenn Thatcher says
So excited about this class! Composition is still something I really seem to struggle with.
Jill F says
i would dearly love to win a spot in the class. I think I would learn so much
kathy says
Sure would like a reason to get dressed up and take my camera out!
Amy B says
I'm so inspired by the Shutter Sisters community. Would love to have the opportunity to win a spot in your class! It will help keep me motivated for the next few months.
patricia says
What a generous offer. Composition is to important to all aspects of our life—–photography, how we dress, how we decorate our homes, how we plant our flower gardens and setting the table for dinner. I would love to learn more.
Lelainia Lloyd says
I started taking online photography courses at the beginning of the year. I've been a mixed media artist for 10 years and had never considered persuing photography as an art. I've surprised myself in the last 7 months and learned so much about this medium and myself. I am hungry to learn more! Here's some of what I've created so far:
Self-portrait, focussing on contrast and texture:
One of my all time fav photos I took for a class last month:
Another fav, shot with insight I gained from reading Expressive Photography:
*fingers crossed*
Jessie says
I would love to win a spot in this class. I believe I center my shots too much but with mostly taking photos inside with my 50 I find it hard to not center. Would love to bring this part of my photography up some so everything doesn't look the same. My example actually isn't centered but it is a selfie from last month. I was holding the camera but I like the comp. Not sure if it actually works though. See I need help ๐
Thanks again for such a wonderful opportunity!
Tiffany in Topeka says
I would love to be entered! Thank you for doing this!
Molly Wilson says
I'd so love to win a spot in your class! What a great giveaway! ๐
Here's one of mine. I really like this one compositionally, because even though the subject is centered, all the lines in the photo draw you in.
Angela says
I have learned so much through the picture series classes, and have been dying to take this composition class!!!!
There is definitely much room room for growth in my compositional abilities, but I was happy with this shot – I worked on it for awhile.
Holly says
I would love a chance to participate in the composition class! It would be so informative and creatively challenging I'm sure.
slmnontec says
I love learning and I love photography. Hope I win.
cheris says
Yay! Another class! I'd love it.
Lisa says
Composition is something my photography can definitely use help with! I've been trying to find more creative ways to compose images and would love to take your class.
Rosie Grey says
Oh, what a great opportunity to win a seat! I'd love to win one ๐
Trevellion says
I guess that most of us know the "rules of composition" but it's the images that break the rules which are often the most exciting. Of course it takes courage to do that, I'd love the chance to be a little braver.
Misty says
I would love to do this class! Here is a picture where all of the rules of composition were broken, but I love it anyway!
Stacy M says
Your class looks informative and inspiring. I could really use a little of both. ๐
megan L says
I'd love to win a spot. composition is something i try to read more about but its so hard to find information on!
Kathy says
Very generous. Your classes are wonderful and I'm sure this one will be just the same.
Kandy says
This would be a dream come true! I will take all the knowledge from the experts I can get!
Cheri says
Having taken all of the PICTURE series (including Holidays and Color), I am SO EXCITED for this class to start! Would love to win a spot!
georgia says
i'm taking this class, whether i win it or not!
but i'd love to win, of course!
here is a shot where i tried to be intentional about my composition…
Marina D-K says
I love Tracey's beautiful use of composition in her photos. Would LOVE to learn the theory and thought process behind those beautiful pictures!
Lori M says
I'm always ready to learn more about photography!
this is a picture of my nephew – i like the candidness of it and the smile on his face. I like that the composition is not what I would typically do.
Rebecca Everett says
I would love to be able to win this class. I take care of my grandma who has late stage dementia 24 hours a day so subsequently my photography goals and dreams have been put on hold. I think this would be perfect to ease back into it and finally do something for me again.
Juli I says
This class is exactly what I need. I'm so ready to explore composition! Fingers crossed. Here's a recent photo where I really liked the composition. http://julimusing.blogspot.com/2011/08/198-beachie-keen.html I know I have a lot to learn but sometimes I get it right.
jamiesolorio says
How I would love to win this fabulous class! Gotta say, any class created by Tracey Clark is automatically one of my favorites! I don't even do any others!!!!! I would LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE, well, you might see how much I would love to win a virtual spot in this AWESOME class! I would try to be a prized pupil with open ears and creative eyes! Thanks for the chance Tracey!
katrina s says
would love to win – needing to spend some quality time with my new 7D!
Nancy B says
This has been an emotionally challenging year in so many respects and I really NEED a reason to pick up my camera and capture the good things in life.
brigid says
Wow! What a great opportunity! I would love to learn more.
colette says
so exited for a chance to win!!! This would be a huge chance to learn more!!! thanks
yvonne says
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/29289907@N02/6038291059/" title="Pasty Making by yvnn50, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6139/6038291059_dcf3296fe6.jpg" width="500" height="377" alt="Pasty Making"></a>
Thank you for throwing my name in the hat!
Brigindo says
What an amazing give-away! I'm excited at the thought.
traceyclark says
Damiane Lucas says
What a generous giveaway! I love to win a spot in this class! I've tried and tried to take photography classes at my local community college, but the classes always fill up when it's my time to register; and so, I end up frustrated.
Thank you again. May God bless your creativity always.
Kelly Connolly says
Love this site! I have recently become obsessed with learning everything I can about taking great photos and this workshop sure would help!
Greta S. says
Woohoo! Sounds neat!
dawn says
one of my favorite things about photography! composition! what a great idea for a class! i'd love a spot!
maisiegirl says
what a lovely opportunity to be fully "composed!" what a fun opportunity and many thanks for the offering. i'm certain whoever wins will enjoy the course immensely. thanks for all the inspiration you ladies provide!
beth says
I would love a chance to win, I find that composition is what excites me most. Thank you Tracey for your inspiration, I love your blog and your amazing photos.
Skye Perry says
I reallly need to work on composition so I would really love to win a spot in this class. I hope I get picked. Thank you.
Karen D says
Oh what a great giveaway!!! I have been self teaching myself the art of compostion via my iphone and I would love to learn more.
Here are some of my favorite comp shots from the last few months.
thanks for the chance to win a spot.
Catherine says
What fun – always more to learn and finesse as I grow as an artist!
Lynne says
Would LOVE to win a spot! Shutter Sisters has always been a great and inspiring way to start my day. It would be awesome to have the opportunity to take a class with Tracey!
This is one of my recent faces:
Allie says
How generous of you to offer a spot in the class! I would really love the opportunity to take the class and learn from you!
Debbie B says
Tracey, thanks for the opportunity to win a seat in your class! Fingers crossed that I win!
Keara says
I would LOVE a spot in your class! I have drooling over it, but sadly cannot swing it at this time. ๐
WorthIt! says
Tracey, your photos are inspiring and I would like nothing more than to participate in your composition class. Thanks for the chance to participate!
Gail says
I would love to take this class, virtually or otherwise. I spend time almost every day looking at photos, and always feel inspired by the shutter sisters community.
ElleV says
I've loved your Picture series and would love to get a chance to learn more from you in this class. ๐
KimA says
I've been inspired in many of Tracey's classes at Big Picture. I bet this one will be awesome! Would love to take part. ๐
Joelynne says
I love your eclasses as a gentle way to stay motivated. Also loving this collection of shots, many from my favorite peeps!
chris says
Can't wait for this class to start. I'm looking forward to seeing what it has to offer!
Maegan says
I would LOVE to win a spot in the course! It sounds amazing! Thanks so much for the opportunity!
Beverly says
would love to win a spot in your new class! love all the photos in the collage ๐
Lara J. says
Crossing my fingers!
Thanks Tracey.
Linda Steider says
I'm struggling with composition and would love to win a spot in class!
Ally Moll says
I would love a chance to win this class. Thanks!
Shawna says
Would love to win this! Thanks for the opportunity!
Suzanne says
I would love a spot in your composition class! I need it! ๐
Anne Schillings says
The Art of Composition class sounds fantastic. I would love to win a spot in your class Tracey. You have taught me so much in the other BP classes & I want to learn more!
Lisa says
I would love a spot…I have admired your work and enjoyed your picture spring class…just what I need to get out of my rut.
Mickee says
I would love to take this class. Keeping my fingers crossed that I'd get picked… ๐
Lauren says
This is exactly the type of photography class I've been wishing I could take. Why? So I can learn how to do what just comes natural to my husband – "see" a great image!
Here's one I took just recently (as part of the "Week in the Life") that I got lucky with the composition:
I'd love to be a part of this!
Diana says
I've enjoyed your picture color and picture inspiration. It would be great to be able to participate in The Art of Composition. I would like to take my photography up to the next level.
Sharon says
I would LOVE to take one of your classes & learn more. I just joined one of your classes on Big Picture – Picture Inspiration & it is truly inspiring. Thanks for the opportunity – what a great giveaway!
I specifically like to photograph my pets and other nature shots. Here are a few of my favorites:
SHaron Buffett says
I would so love the opportunity to being chosen would provide. If I could afford to quit my job and just take photos full-time, that is what I would do. I "see" a photo everywhere I go, and in everything I do. I absolutely love photography! I hope you pick me.
sarah says
lovely as always and inspiring!!
Amy B. says
Thank you thank you thank you! I'm always amazed how much I learn from you.
Lindsey says
Ok LUCKY 13 I'm counting on you TODAY!!
kimberly/tippytoes says
Ohhhh, I'd love a push with my photography and could really use the inspiration to move forward. Thank you!
Laura BC says
I would love this! I try to decongest my backgrounds but have so much more to learn when taking photos of my kids.
Milly H says
Just bought a new DSLR and would love to learn how to compose better shots. Thanks for chances to win!
wendy says
Yes please! Sounds like a great class ๐
Holly says
I would LOVE more than anything to win a virtual front row seat. LOVE, I SAY! (In capital letters for added emphasis…like a virtual shout!)
Meghan @ Life Refocused says
Would LOVE, LOVE, LOVE to win a spot in this class. Tracey is such a rockstar and I know I'd learn sooooo much!!
And here's a new shot of mine that I like…http://www.flickr.com/photos/meghandavidson/5842053869/in/photostream
Caryn says
Thank you for this opportunity. I'd love to be able to participate in the class and have my fingers crossed! ๐
Joanna says
I would love love love to win! Thank you for the giveaway, and I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that I will be the lucky one. ๐
Anika says
Oh to be inspired again! Hope I win!
Amanda B says
Oooo! I would love to win! ๐
Jill says
This class would be an awesome addition to my photography skills. But I kinda feel like I've already won for choosing my pencils photo. Thanks!
Kylie says
What a great give-away!
SherryB says
I still have so much to learn and this would be an awesome way to start….Thank you for the chance to win a seat!
Robin Troxell says
wow! how fun. to me photography is a release – of my worries, and of my thoughts.
mosey says
As a former animator, I tend to look at the world as if it's within a film frame. I'm still trying to translate that to still photography. Yes, please!
Krista Thompson says
I love the word composition. Compose. Gain composure. For me, it means strength. I used the word composition and the Shutter Sister's book "Expressive Photography" for inspiration. This photo is my gift to the Shutter Sisters. Thanks for an awesome book and constant inspiration. I hope you like it. : )
deirdre (soulnoir) says
Here is a shot done recently with my photo meet up group http://www.flickr.com/photos/soulnoir/6009976287/
Lucent Imagery says
Oh wow, it would be amazing to win this prize. Thank you so much for offering the chance.
Valeria Howell says
So ready for this class. PICK ME
Stephanie says
I would LOVE to be able to take a photography class!! I've been wanting to take one for a while now!! ๐
Kristina says
I'd love to win a spot at this virtual class!
kimBinAK says
Very exciting! Thanks for the opportunity to win this fabulous workshop ๐
kimB from Alaska
Annika says
I recently started with photography and would love to attend your class.
Fishgirl says
I'll do all the homework if I get in. Do the names go in a big hat?
NatsterNat says
This sounds like such an awesome class… I would love to win a spot! Here's one of my favourites from our recent summer vacation…
Corinna says
I want to go to there. (PIck me! Pick me!!)
Kelly says
Composition really is everything, It really helps tell the story. I'm pretty crazy about wanting to get it just right. Here's mine…and love the collage you've put together.
Lynne says
Would LOVE to win a spot in your course. Shutter Sisters is always a terrific and inspiring way to start my day!
Really happy with this one:
Bonnie says
I am so, so honored to have a photo in your post and would be humbled and honored to be able to join your course. I so love the shutter sisters! All of you!
Kat says
I would love to win! My fingers are crossed. ๐
Laura says
I would love, love, love to win a spot in your class! Thank you so much for this opportunity! ๐
I recently took some photos out in my mom's garden that I love, as they show that I am in fact making some progress in relation to my photography. Those can be found here: http://laurasphotojournal.wordpress.com/2011/08/05/queenanneslace/ .
Andrea says
I am currently taking Picture Inspiration and would love, love, LOVE to take this class!
Chris says
I would love to learn from the best…
Toni says
Needing the inspiration…the perspective. Would love this.
Cathy H. says
What an awesome giveaway!! I would love to be able to take this class.!!! Thanks so much for the chance!!
One of my favorite photos
Lola says
Wow! I would love this as I get so caught up with trying to remember the technical details of photography that I often times forget the more artistic elements.
veggiemom says
I'd love to win!!!
Kelly says
hoping that I'm squeezing in right under the deadline!! I'd LOVE a chance at this. Thanks for the opportunity.
Mi Ya says
I'd be thrilled if I was to win this one!
Liz Ness says
What an awesome giveaway! Thanks for the opportunity and all the best to everyone! =)
spread your wings says
i would love to win a spot in this class.
p.s. thanks for including me in the group today – it made my day.
Claudine says
Would love to win a spot in this class. Thanks for the chance to win.
Terri Porter says
I'm already signed up for this class but I have a friend who would love to take it and just doesn't have the money right now. I would love to be able to give this class to her. She has so much potential as a photographer and I know she would benefit greatly from this class.
Deirdre (superdewa) says
Oh, I'd SO like to take this class. I wouldn't be able to spring for it at this point, however, so I'm seriously hoping I win!
mae says
i love to follow rules and the rules of composition are no exception! this one's got rule of thirds and leading lines going for it. plus some gorgeous curves, to boot.
tracey, you know i love your classes. i'm sure the art of composition will be no exception. thank you for the generous giveaway. see you in class!
Liz says
How generous and how exciting it would be to win! Thank you for YOUR creativity and inspiration.
DanaN says
I'm so glad you are going to teach a class on composition. I can't wait to sign up. Thanks for a chance (well, three chances) to win.
Ingrid says
You've got to be in it to win it, they say! Would LOVE to win a place in your course, Tracey. It sounds so interesting… I am currently enjoying the square format of the Hipstamatic app and paying more attention to how I compose my image within the square without the luxury of being able to crop it on the computer afterwards.
claudia says
thanks for the chance to win! Here's some of my latest:
Arin S says
Lovely collection of shots in this post! I'd love to be a part of The Art of Composition ๐
susan says
Very exciting!!! Would love the chance to win a spot in this class.
Tiffany says
The class sounds inspiring! I would love to attend!
annie says
Oh, I just love this!
MelissaL88 says
How exciting! I'd love a chance to be in this class. It sounds so inspiring!
angel says
pick me! pick me!
Liz says
Oh how I'd love to win!! ๐
Sharolyn says
Thanks for the chance!
Joan Grey says
I would love a chance to win a spot in your composition class. Thanks! Joan
joanne smith says
this is awesome… thanks for the chance to win!
(crossing my fingers! i need help in this department, ha!!)
have a great day!
Rachal Edwards says
I love to learn!!
Schtanzerl says
I'd love to win!
Lisa Clarke says
Perfect timing! I finally splurged on my first DSLR and it should be in my hot little hands next week ๐ I would love to celebrate my new camera with this class!
bettie says
This would be a dream come true!
Here's a recent diptych that I really love. http://www.flickr.com/photos/bettienew/6027277030/in/photostream
Cindy says
It seems like the more I learn about photography, the less I feel like I know! Trying to sort this all out! Your class sounds like it would definitely help things fall into place. Thanks for all your inspiration!
jenifer says
great thumbnails on today's post! ๐
Wendy T. says
What a fantastic giveaway!
And here's one with a lot of negative space (which I love):
stefanie renee says
i love to win the chance!!! thank you ๐
Heather_Today says
I would love to win a spot in this class. I'm ready to take my photography to the next level.
mama-pan | mary frances says
I would love so much to take this class–thanks for the chance!
Annette says
I would love the opportunity to learn more. My camera is in hand, ready to go.
Tami Weingartner says
Composition….i would love to win a scholarship to this class.
Jodi says
What a wonderful prize! I've been so inspired by this website, I'd love to learn more.
megan says
i'd love to win! i will save up for this course if i don't!
Lisa says
What an amazing giveaway, fingers crossed. Are you also sponsoring the Morocco workshop in February?
JoHanna says
You are so generous by giving this class away to some lucky individual. Your website is fabulous and very inspirational.