Today marks the launch of the United Nation Foundation’s Shot@Life campaign. Tracey and I are excited to support Shot@Life and their mission to provide much-needed vaccines to children around the world.
I think about my own children and the relative ease I have here in the United States to get the vaccines I need to protect them from preventable diseases. I’m aware of the options and can access information about vaccines to make an informed decision on behalf of my children. I can afford the costs of vaccines. I have a pediatrician I trust. And I have the means to transport my children to obtain the vaccines we need. This is privilege. One in five children around the world don’t have access to life-saving vaccines in developing countries, so they need our help. For just $5, you can protect a child from polio and measles. For just $20 you can help give a child a lifetime of immunity to protect him or her from pneumonia, diarrhea, measles, and polio. To help give a child a Shot@Life, I hope you’ll join us here.
An added note from Tracey:
Thanks to all of you who are using your photography to support Shot at Life! The collection of images for our #shot4shot project is awesome. Take a peek here and keep up the amazing work! You are appreciated.
thank you! so easy to help. I'm grateful for knowing about this project and I'm going to share it on my Facebook page too. xxo
Gorgeous pic, this sounds so neat.