I remember this day clearly. December 4, 2007. My friend and business partner poured the water for tea after our meal. There were four of us huddled around the thick wooden table at Dynamic Dish, exchanging thoughts. I remember asking each of them, “What would you do if you could do anything?” At the time of that question mark, I was beginning to consider photography as a full-time profession, but had not yet convinced myself that leaving a steady business (and a substantial paycheck and benefits) was the right thing to do. The wide angle view that day would reveal leading lines pointing toward a necessary leap of faith into the blur of bokeh. But for so long, I remained fixated on the close crop. The complicated texture of the moment, an unidentifiable reflection, the fear of failure… of getting burned if I prematurely moved the mug poised to receive… goodness. It took 12 more months to take that leap. But I’ve grown to appreciate the depth and broader perspective of a wide angle view.
Do you get fixated on the close crop of today? What holds you back from the wide angle view?
Just me. I hold myself back. I'm not even afraid, I somehow just don't believe. I worry I'm not passionate enough, whatever that means.
I am practicing walking through walls ever since I read this. It's not hard, you just have to put your hands out.
Sigh. What a thought provoking post – thank you.
Yes, very thought provoking post. Fear is what is holding me back. What if I don't make it, what if I am just kidding myself and I am not good enough? What if, what if…Sigh…
the only thing holding me back right now is fear of failure…. knowing that I am my only roadblock makes me realize that I need to get out my own way and just move forward.
Beautifully written post with an encouraging expansive vision! I'm currently looking toward a future of wonderful possibilities, all the while enjoying the everyday steps along this path. This post is perfect for my blog entry for today, as I venture into a new realm with an exciting new camera lens!
I love the close crop with THINGS, with plants and clouds and stuff. With people it's harder for me to remember that I can cut something out and end up with more than the sum of my parts…..
The work I end up loving the best has a bit of BOTH.
This series about sad feelings starts out wide and goes very very close. I like how it guides me.
I love using my wide angle and the resulting effects!
stephanie ..such a special post today ..your words weave feelings of hope and encouragement.
I am focused on windows taken from my archives today while telling a bit of my artistic story .. crops and wide angle both!
There is safety in simplicity.
Here's one of my 'close-crops':
here is my close crop… both literally and figuratively.
i, too, just a year ago, considered pursuing photography seriously as a career… or at least considered the training that could lead to it. it was my number two desire for what life might have for me. my number one desire was to have a child. just a few months later, i found out i was pregnant. there may be plans for photography in my life down the road, but right now, i'm zoomed in on raising this little one. and i could not be happier.
as he grows up, we'll see what unfolds… perhaps i can zoom out to bigger and broader things with photography. i hope so, as i still love it and miss it very much.
I like the close crop – it makes me take a closer look, slow down, and enjoy the moment:
oops… forgot my link…
Thanks so much for sharing a part of your process of going "pro". Somehow it is very liberating to know that I am not the only one getting stuck and needing time.
The picture recently shot during vacation is a reminder to myself to be still and enjoy the horizon. There is not much there to get lost in details. I find it soothing because of this emptiness. In the face of that space I can leave the details aside for a while and trust that the big picture will fall into place in its own time.
Georgia,what a great subject to have! Photographer's children may feel cursed by having a camera around all the time, but what better way to watch them grow up. And if you deside to go into portrait photography he can build your portfolio.
Love your post. So many times we are focused on what is right in front of us and not what may be around the corner. I am a great risk taker and am ready for the next adventure. On Friday I quit a job that was causing stress and sleepless nights. I would love to make photography more than a hobby but there are also many other adventures that I want to pursue. Maybe I can combine some of these dreams of mine. The quote on my blog today is very fitting to this theme.
FEAR. Big, nameless, faceless fear holds me back. Fear of failing, again. Fear of looking stupid, od being told my art sucks, or worse yet, is mediocre. I have nothing to lose, no high-paying job to walk away from (i'm a stay at home mom) but still, I find the fear paralyzing at times. And then I just take lttle baby steps and try not to get too far ahead of myself. Just keep creating, a little bit each day. Hopefully one day I'll be able to look at the wide view without the fear taking over.
sigh.. what a lovely thought provoking post. I live and breathe what if? Its me that holds myself back, I read so many stories about how one day people just up and pursued their dreams no holds barred… maybe I'm just still trying to find my way, after all I only picked up the camera less than 2 yrs ago and I don't know that I ever want to go into photography professionally but who knows! I think right now, I'm going to take little bunny hops before I take any kind of leap..
The wide-angle view is always such a big question mark with so many roadblocks and seemingly insurmountable challenges. I feel like I give all my confidence away believing in other people and building them up, that there's rarely any left for myself. I am surrounded by so many amazing people that I feel very small and insignificant in comparison.
Comparison is a tricky thing: it can inspire you & challenge you to be better. It can also dwarf your motivation and make you sink into a pit of self-deprecation.
I want to be a photographer. I want to make people happy. I want to be a good mother. I want my husband to be satisfied in our marriage.
Wish in one hand, spit in the other. See which fills up first.
It seems like we all have the same feelings and fears yet I feel alone in my thoughts. I think some people put up a wall and show a confident face when underneath we all are the same. Afraid I am not good enough, failure and just …..
Thank you for sharing.
This post so exactly expresses where I am today. Feeling like I'm about to jump off a cliff into the unknown, and it all started with the question – what do YOU really want to do? Thinking in ideals not what does it make sense to do, what's best for the family, etc, but what is your ideal?
This post so exactly expresses where I am today. Feeling like I'm about to jump off a cliff into the unknown, and it all started with the question – what do YOU really want to do? Thinking in ideals not what does it make sense to do, what's best for the family, etc, but what is your ideal?
Thank you for this post. I think the "close-in" view of life for me signals comfort and what I know. I think the "wide angle" involves a leap of faith, partly hard work and partly laying it out that the energy in the universe will come together to wash away the fears. Just like so many other posts have said before, I agree that fear plays a large role. Overcoming that fear, leaving the comforts of the known is so freeing but a constant struggle to continue to do so.
so nice,welcome to this website.for more
Oddly enough I feel so happy with my photos until I see how beautiful others are. I really love coming to your site and others but I have to constantly adjust my self esteem and individual voice after each visit. It's like after seeing others photos I look at my own with a closer, more detailed crop you know? That wide angle makes me very happy though…. Very thought provoking post- thanks!
I feel so happy with my photos until I see how beautiful others are. I really love coming to your site and other
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