It’s not often enough that we take the time to pause and embrace gratitude – to reflect on all that we are and all that we have at this moment. To set aside the wants and wishes of tomorrow and focus on the gifts that sustain us today. Love. Joy. Trust. Courage. Compassion. Peace. Hope. Gifts found within each of us and intended to be shared with others.
This young girl in Nepal was sent away from her home to work and earn a place to live and food to eat out of necessity. When I met her that day, she was eager to share her gifts of joy, peace, trust, and courage with me. I watched her laugh with her friends while she washed dishes outside the restaurant and peeked over my shoulder to admire images of herself. She trusted me to make her image. And I felt the strength of her courage as she moved confidently in her surroundings. But I’m most grateful to have shared this moment with her. She gave me a good look at hope. A hopeful heart is not always connected to a smiling face. Embedded deep within hope you’ll find longing. A longing that just might propel you in ways you never dreamed possible one day.
I’m beginning to realize that the best way to help keep the light of hope thriving in a child is to give them an opportunity to learn. To support the work of changemakers like Subhash Ghimire, founder of Sarswati Peace School in Nepal, and Mama Lucy Kamptoni, founder of Shepherds Junior School in Tanzania.
Shutter Sisters, I hope you will join us in supporting EpicThanks today – a global celebration of gratitude and giving that honors inspirational changemakers (including Subhash and Mama Lucy) who create hope in our world. No gift is too small. We’re grateful for you.
Thank-you for this message of 'hope'..and for this link to EpicThanks. What incredible and necessary work!!!
Giving thanks. What a beautiful and significant post. Sending gratitude out and around the world today May we all be touched by it's embrace…
this is wonderful. and absolutely.