I’m not sure when that fear began to subside. That crazy grip of motherhood that clings so tightly it nearly refuses to let go. Because what if she falls? What if he gets stuck? What if she can’t find her way? What if he forgets how to stop? What if she lets go? What if he doesn’t come back?
“What goes up, must come down,” I whisper and let her go.
In the spirit of my excitement around meeting so many of you at Oasis next week, I’m giving away a copy of my latest book, Lens on Life: Documenting Your World Through Photography today!
Just leave a comment with a link to one of your favorite documentary moments before tomorrow’s post appears here on Shutter Sisters and I’ll award a signed copy of the book to my favorite.
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Congratulations to Amy Gillard documentary moment winner of the book Lens on Life: Documenting Your World Through Photography by Stephanie Calabrese Roberts. Thanks for all of your submissions!
Yesterday, I got to watch Tibetan Monks create a sand mandala. It was a magical and mystical experience. I've blogged about it here: http://tatterededge.blogspot.ca/2012/10/ancient-art.html (photos & videos!) Cultural diversity ROCKS!
My fav documentary photo was from an occupy Seattle event.
I recently went to the IMAX and saw To The Arctic. What a heart warming (and at the same time, chilling) documentary! My favorite moment was when the cameraman explained how hard it is to film the polar bears. They disguised a camera in a soccer ball sized sphere and just "dropped" it near a baby polar bear. His curiosity made him approach the ball but the fact that there was not an easy place to grab hold of it made him angry, at the end he smashed the ball and broke the camera! I couldn't stop laughing and thinking "ahhhh, you cute little white furry ball"!
I captured this magical moment by surprise. My four year old 'posed' like this for a while. It seemed like she was taking in the beauty around her while keeping her sister close. I love capturing unexpected treasures like this ๐ http://instagram.com/p/PxbO6ht__n/?fb_source=og_snowlift_photo_user_message
Uh oh I just realized I'd read the post all wrong! Allow me to start over please. My favorite moment that I DOCUMENTED was when I took a trip to Wuxi, China, in this "historic town" that they built for making movies in, a tall Chinese girl rented a Qing Dynasty costume and was posing for her picture, she looked so beautiful and natural, like a real princess of the old days, I had to cease the moment and snap it! http://www.flickr.com/photos/lilylillylillie/5331298750/in/set-72157625391316439
The other day, I was reminded of the struggle that women went through for the right to vote. I thought I had been educated on the process but I was shamefully reminded that I have taken it for granted when I read about the details. There is a fantastic HBO documentary from a few years ago that shows the importance. It is good to be reminded of what you are thankful for every now and then. http://iron-jawed-angels.com/
Over the years I've built quite a collection of geyser and hot spring photos in Yellowstone – and I'm always looking for moments that document people in Yellowstone. This year I noticed all the beautiful umbrellas the Japanese carried with them. This is my favorite photo from the summer: http://snowmoonphotography.photoshelter.com/gallery-image/People-in-Yellowstone/G0000NI0h5RNF.Qs/I0000IrhGJvn1pRs/C000042K5a2lOOVc
One of my favorite photos of summer this year: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ktbuffy/7610304826/in/photostream
A while ago me and my family visited the Kunstroute in Leiden (the Netherlands). Made these documentary photos of my kids watching art and the city:
I love getting out on my street and documenting the world around me. There are so many moments
I took this in a village in South Sudan. I was there for three weeks to attend the bride price negotiations for one of the Lost Boys who was returning to his village from the US to buy a wife. We brought a case of Coke from Uganda by truck as part of the deal. Apparently the mothers think of it as a medicine and were very eager to feed Coke to their children. In the end the price was set at 80 cows, each costing between $500 and $1000.
I consider myself the family historian and also for my communications work I consider myself a historian for my company. But I think my favorite documentary moments have been happening recently…capturing my so. And his girlfriend in candid and fun moments…it's the opportunity for me to see what a wonderful young man he is growing up to be and how he interacts with his first "love"…sweet, poignant, and for me bittersweet!
I love street documentaries, so whether I'm half way around the world, or walking downtown, I try to capture what's occurring around me. Can't wait to see your new book to see how you approach this same love.
I wanted to catch my daughter's and daughter's- in-law being with their kids. Moms don't take pictures of themselves often.
I love to document the "normal" life of people around me, whether I'm travelling to some exotic location or being home. This one is from my first trip to Shanghai earlier this year. I love the colors and the infinite boredom the girl expresses.
here's mine – a scene that, to me, epitomises life in London.
here's mine – a scene that, to me, epitomises life in London.
or see it here (the facebook link seems to be acting up) – http://kritilbajaj.carbonmade.com/projects/4246454#14
documenting the every day is the only documenting i know at this point! one of my favorites was last week with my kids:
I won't be at Oasis, but hope to join one year. This is my recent capture of a hymn procession at a local cemetary during a weekend festival…
I co-directed a writing event last spring called Listen To Your Mother, and after our final show-day rehearsal, our cast headed off to dinner before the show. The anticipation and nervousness and giddiness is all wrapped up in this photo for me.
I wish it was glamorous. I wish it was historical. But my favorite set of documentary images these days was my daughters first haircut. Just a simple moment. A right of passage. She is almost 4 and her hair was down to her bum. There was so much pressure. I didn't get my first haircut until I was in the 2nd grade. My mother in law was pressuring my husband, my husband was pressuring me and finally I caved. I didn't want to cut it. She didn't want it cut. What lesson did I teach my daughter about sticking up for herself and being herself when I allowed her hair to be cut against our wishes? I think her somber expression says it all. Sure her hair is less knotty and more managable now, but at what cost? http://www.flickr.com/photos/amygillard/8092144079/
I love documenting life by going out into the streets of Manila to see what people are up to; how are they going about their day; are we one in our happiness and sorrow; what makes them smile; what are they doing to make it through…
My recent favorite moment I was able to capture was of my son, all of four years old, taking pictures with my point&shoot while on a hike last week. It fills my heart with warm fuzzies to see him taking after huis dear ole mama and enjoying taking photographs.
One day my 4-year old daughter and I walked together, cameras in hand, to take in the beauty of nature. While she documented nature, I documented her.
a photo snapped during a "first performance" my son and i did together. It was for Christmas…we lead a sing along…it was wonderful :o)
My most recent post brings memoirs of my Nanny in my daily life.
My favorite documentary moments are the little ones – the ones that almost get missed, the little ones that bring back big memories. I caught this one today. School was closed and our "big plans" for a mommy & son field trip were canceled because I woke up with a nasty cold. But we made the best of our time together at home – making memories and cookies, too. I took this shot of my little cookie monster. http://www.flickr.com/photos/28108602@N03/
Hi Stephanie! I am so excited to finally meet you at the end of this week. We spent 5 weeks in Armenia this summer and I photographed a lot. I haven't had time to process all my images yet but my lat post on my blog is a favourite documentary moment of mine. I love the portrait of the lone woman, her expression and her sadness. I am happy that I got to document a little with my camera while there and not just take pictures of my kiddos all the time, although I love doing that!
here is the link Stephanie http://www.colourofpomegranates.com/fruits-in-armenia/
I wanted to share this moment I captured while playing a game with my family. I kept my camera at the ready to record the win the second it happened.