A group of iPhoneographers and I have been asked to participate in a iPhoneography exhibition to be hosted at Odapark in Venlo, Holland, March 4 through May 1. The theme of the show is centered around nature, which posed a bit of a challenge for me as a documentary photographer. While I’m thoroughly inspired by the intricate beauty, layers of complexity, and infinite alure of our natural environment, I am not as moved to recreate it with my camera unless there’s evidence of humanity present.
As I scanned through my iPhoneography archive seeking signs of nature, I was actually pleasantly surprised to discover a recurring point of focus and fascination with… water. What’s interesting is that I haven’t been shooting water specifically; I’ve been drawn to it more subconsciously. When you open yourself up to capture visuals that move you on a near daily basis, recurring visuals or themes will likely emerge as you look back through your image archive.
What elements of nature move you most?
For me – it's always birds. Any birds – but mostly those who live in the 'water':
Plant life illuminated by natural light never fails to catch my eye: http://instamaticgratification.wordpress.com/2012/02/12/43366/
Sunsets, definitely! http://sunsetgoddessmanila.blogspot.com/2011/06/snapshot-saturday-chasing-sunsets.html
The annual Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition alwas give me the chill when I attend the exhibition. Very very highly recommended.
Plant life definitely – particularly in Spring.
I am definitely drawn to wildlife and birds/water fowl.
I'm over the moon for photo's of the moon.
I'm most drawn to rocks upon the ground and clouds up in the sky. Those two are often that which causes my heart pause.
water, definitely
i simply love the way it reflects
i am fascinated by rain- or dewdrops clinging to a twig or leaf
the way the drops reflect the world around them upside down is simply amazing
Oh, it's the light, the light, always the light!!
Hi Stephanie,
Congrats on being included in the nature exhibit! How exciting!!! The strong graphic design of these pieces is striking.
I generally shoot nature exclusively. But really, color and light revealing form are my true subjects. Most of my recent blog posts have been about winter, but today it is roses ~
Water and all it's reflections! and wildlife…
Congrats on being included in the iPhoneography Exhibit! I was inspired by your post today and just had to steal the title – and it seemed to fit – the reflection of an oxygen producing tree on the clean water. Life Sources.
Trees. I could photograph nothing but trees and be very very happy. http://joyfulwise.wordpress.com/2012/02/12/sunday-morning/
Love to play with my food–before I cook it.
I have always loved photographing nature. But when I look through my archives, the ones that move me most are the sunrises and sunsets.
lately, while at the beach, MUSHROOMS have caught my attention. weird. i know ๐