We’ve had this birdhouse for as long as I can remember. It was a wedding present, many moons ago and has hung amongst our peachtrees ever since. Although it has caught the attention of my lens a number of times throughout the years, it’s rarely been used for anything other than an accessory for our yard.
And yet, alas! Look who’s come to visit this spring!
I cannot tell you how much this does my heart good. The fact that this little house might actually be used for what it was always inteneded for is such a delight. Year after year these birds come and find the most unlikely places to nest around our yard. It’s amazing that even though this vacant home has been here all along, no one had moved in. It reminds me that no matter how many times we might see something, it only takes one day, a new light, a different perspective to see it differently. Somehow, this little bird saw this house as the right place this year. The perfect home.
Such is what we’re going to do during the 30 days of Picture Spring; shed a new light on the same old things; capture fresh perspectives and picture the celebratory moments that occur in our everyday lives. Only a few more days left until we begin our class Picture Spring! We kick it all off on April 1st (this Thursday) so be sure to register if you haven’t already. And you can follow along in the journey on our own Picture Spring featured gallery right here at Shutter Sisters. We’re thrilled to be sharing a daily image from participants in the class.
I do hope to see you over there! It will be a picture perfect way to sing your creative song of spring right from the comfort of your own right place, lens poised and ready for spring’s splendor! For those of you doing a 365 project, Picture Spring will give you 30 days of photo prompts which can really help when you’re seeking inspiration every single day!
Anything out of the ordinary catch your eye lately? Do share you unexpected delights with us today.
I love this image…the blurred, dappled greens! And the birdhouse looks like it is swaying in the breeze. Nice catch!
I am so excited for Picture Spring. I have been looking forward to it since it was first announced. I love Spring! I love April!. Yay!
oh, i wanted to get in on picture spring, but will be away for a week in the middle of the month….i hope to catch the next workshop. how fun that your birdhouse has a tenant.
i was flirting with these handsome fellows when we met unexpectedly on a walk yesterday:
All right, you got me! I signed up. I think I’m a little crazy. This will be a busy month, but hopefully fun!
I caught some steam this weekend and got some bonus flare: http://www.flickr.com/photos/32837589@N07/4467495074/
I’m excited about my birds returning too. It makes it seems so much more like Spring.
I signed up for the Picture Spring workshop too.
This weekend, on a Saturday hike, I was surprised by an unexpected trail companion:
Great bird-at-home shot, with that gorgeous green setting.
I’ve been driving by a nearby horse pasture for years, and finally found a couple of mornings to stop and shoot. I was lucky enough to catch this sweetie trying to scratch where it itches.
Awwww cute! I saw a little bird hanging out of the fence outside work, I walked right past him and wanted to take a pic but I was already 10 minutes late for work. drat!
This pretty fella was my ride. It’s not green around these parts yet, but a wagon ride with maple syrup is a sure sign it’s not far off.
My unexpected delight when I looked up on Friday afternoon: http://www.flickr.com/photos/40070449@N08/4472161076/
Looking forward to the class, Tracey.
How this speaks spring to my heart…love birds and this one is so cute. beautiful photo!
love that little bird in that little house! i just posted a picture on my blog that spoke of spring as well. I’d love for you to take a look! http://happyshackdesigns.blogspot.com/2010/03/springtime-tallahassee.html
It always amazes me where birds make their home… I am glad one finally is making use of that wonderful little house.
Spring has not sprung yet here in Vermont, but I will head over and check out your links. I love anything that gives me an excuse to use my camera more…
Can’t wait for class to start
I just got a new macro lens (100mm 2.8) and I can’t wait to try it out!
How pretty and sweet!
class hasn’t started yet but today outside my window I watched scrubjays protect their nest (I think hidden in the neighbor’s bottlebrush tree) from the pesky crows. It was a quite a sight. My daughter is here visiting and we went out to aide the scrubjays and shooed the crows away! It felt good to protect those eggs. :0>
Interestingly enough, my 4-year-old also made a discovery this beautiful spring evening … http://apictureintime.wordpress.com/2010/03/29/maple-key/
I’m intrigued by the Picture Spring class but I fear failure. You see I have a 2 1/2 and 4 YO and can’t imagine being able to take a daily album-worthy pic for 30 days straight. Any other moms with young kids doing this? Please give me hope.
What a lovely post to accompany such a wonderful photo! Thank you for helping bring Spring back into my heart this morning!
its my screen saver now… thanks for a wonderful and sweet image!