Shortly after we arrived to Pokhara, Nepal, a friend introduced us to several children known as “street kids” living in the hotel downstairs. As I watched these young girls washing dishes outside the restaurant, they seemed content, even happy on first glance. Intrigued with our interest and big cameras, they giggled and exposed henna designs on the palms of their hands. I was relieved to see them smile because it helped me convince myself that they were okay.
Our friend explained that these children were sent away from their homes to work at this hotel… to earn a place to live, food to eat, and money that would be saved on their behalf when the time came for them to go out on their own. She explained that some street kids are sent to school. Others are not. It broke my heart to learn about this way of life. To really see it and look in their eyes. To wonder what it feels like… to be far from home, to accept what’s been given to you without question, to have a job at age 10, to appreciate what little you have, to wish you had been given the chance to wear a school uniform and walk to school.
“But this is a way of life,” they say. “It’s just the way it is.” And who am I to judge? I’m just a curious American woman with a camera who stepped in for a closer look one day. What do I know? Just because my children don’t live this way, does it make it wrong? If these children didn’t have this chance to live and work at this hotel, what would become of them? Is there hope in this scenario? Does someone love them? How do we help poor families keep their children at home and make it a priority to send them to school? What should I do? I have the questions, but none of the answers at this moment. I have to trust they will come.
I love this article. I love your point of view. Sometimes as humans we can misjudge, and think we know all the answers to this world. As humans we tend to fix things. But sometimes, things don't need fixing.
I love the questions you ask, because we are so quick to say "that's just wrong" when maybe it's just different from our worldview. I can't help but have my heart go out to these kids though, to want to help provide them a better life. A chance to go to school. My son, 9 years old, studied the rights of children last year in school and it was eye opening to learn that what we take for granted is not the same worldwide. He learned about and became a big advocate of Unicef, which works for the rights of children around the world. Thank you for your post, for your questions, and for opening this conversation with a broader audience.
What beautiful images!! What amazes me most of all is how resilient children are…how they can find themselves happy and playful in what we believe to be the most dire of circumstances. So many important questions here. Hard to know what gives us the right to pass judgement. Thought-provoking post!!!
stunning photos. thanks for sharing that story and for shining a light on these thought provoking issues.
None of us can have all the answers. All we can do is hope. And… we can make a difference in that little moment we have. That is how we can answer some of our questions ourselves.
I love the contrast in the last shot..though it breaks my heart. I often think..that as a country that is wealthy..we forget that there are other ways to live. Perhaps this child would be homeless and thrown away if it were not for this. Having been a parent below the poverty line..and struggled to get above it. Having been wealthy once. Somehow although this is painful to even think of…a child so young sent away to work…I think I understand maybe a little bit. It also makes me deeply thankful that this is not a choice I have to make. That our country offers other choices to not only me but my children. I feel blessed..I really do. Beautiful thought provoking post!!
So much in this world that is unequal, unfair or just wrong. But it is so beyond us to make it right. Our hearts are with them. Sometimes that is all we can do.
I see faces like this where I live in Appalachia. And it never fails to break my heart every time.
so powerful.
This is something so close to my heart- for girls to have the opportunity to do anything they dream- girls who usually wouldn't have that chance at all. I too have so many questions and few answers.
Very powerful post and photos. Lots of thoughts are going through my head. Can we really judge? Perhaps we need to leave the American point of view behind and try to see things from a different perspective. Yes, our hearts break for these girls – mine, too. But what do I do? There are so many children in the US who live in absolutely miserable circumstances and no one stands up for them (myself included). In the early 80's I lived in Taiwan and was heartbroken by what I saw there.
Sorry for all these confusing thoughts. This really gets me.