It’s been unseasonably warm here in the South. In fact we spotted a dandelion in bloom and another in need of a little holiday wishing this past weekend. From the looks of my girl’s letters (yes, that’s plural) to Santa this year, I’ve got a good idea of what’s on her mind at this moment. But what about you? What if you could make just one wish this holiday season? Would it be something small and simple? Or would you look to the stars and whisper a wish so big that you’re almost too fearful to help make it come true?
What would you wish?
Sharing your wish in the comments makes you eligible to win two gifts today because every sister needs a little extra love on Monday. The snap happy folks at Snaptotes are giving away one picture-perfect handbag with your image of choice. And Shutter Sister Stephanie Roberts is giving away a hardcover book of her photographic images titled Come Closer – a look at hidden beauty found in close range.
Congrats to Lauren who won the image from the Etsy shop of Sweet Blue Photography.
I wish and pray for a cure for the brain lesions which affect my two sons.
I wish for my husband to come home from Iraq.
what lovely give away gifts! one wish… hmm can i wish for more wishes? i guess i would wish to be with my family.
I would wish to be able to do photography full time. That’s my dream!
Oh, and for my niece to get out of the NICU, so I can hold her and spoil her like crazy.
I wish for a baby – an uneventful pregnancy and a sweet, healthy newborn in nine months. I so miss the little boy we lost mid-pregnancy this year and long to hold a baby of my own.
I wish to win the Busby SEO Test global competition.
I wish for the health of my family!!!
Beautiful shot!! I am here in the south and LOVED the warm weather….. it is turning tonight!!!
I wish I could grant all these awesome wishes – the ones already posted and the ones yet to come… and I wish for contentment and grace…
I wish for my husband to come safely home from Northern BC and for the world to be more tolerant of difference.
right now i wish that my mom & the baby she is carrying in her womb will be healthy. she had two miscarriages that were terribly dangerous to her health and i’m scared it will be the same this time.
Well I got the snow that I wished for, so I suppose now I’m just wishing that I can keep my life in perspective and remember that the beauty is always there, but much more visible when I take a step back and just breathe it in.
We’re only a few wishes in, and already they’re making me cry. I hope they all come true.
One of my wishes will likely be granted – a white Christmas here on the west coast (we don’t get them often). My other wish is that the upcoming year won’t be as difficult as this past one – a fresh new year with fresh new beginnings.
I’d wish for some cozy family time. A quiet house with everything picked up so we can be creative, watch shows and drink hot chocolate.
my wish this year is for a healthy baby boy in April
My wish is for everyone else’s wishes here to come true!
A wish for new beginnings.
I wish that all would know my Jesus. And i really want to be married. It has been a hope deferred for a long time.
i wish….i could think of just the right wish.
my son has asked Santa to bring snow… but with the temperatures getting strangely mild around here, I don’t think that’s going to happen. still, that doesn’t stop me from wishing right along with him
i wish a wonderful life with my family….
I wish for perfect health.
I wish for our long-held dreams for a child to come true– either by birth or adoption– very soon.
Today’s dandelion,
a thousand wishes
on a stem,
a new song for today.
I wish for a happy & healthy 2009
I wish to be able to lose 95 lbs in 2009. And to regain my health and balance my hormones. (Although I guess they’re all kind of one thing.)
After reading the wishes above, mine seem so silly.
So, I echo Chris and Shawna and wish for your wishes to come true.
This year I wish for my family to find peace with their personal issues, thrive with the changes they have been given, and be thankful for what we have.
I wish my sister would miraculously recover from ALS.
Thank you for the double chance to win!
i wish happiness and peace this christmas season! god bless you all!
i wish for balance
My family has been so blessed, but I would wish for financial peace for my brother-in-law and his family and for a full cure for 3 friends with cancer.
I wish for a peaceful and healthy Holiday and New Year for all of my loved ones and those in need.
I wish for a great two weeks for my husband to spend time with us over the holidays.
Peace and happiness within my family…and the wisdom to always make the right decisions.
I wish for a new beginning this new year…keeping my new perspective and new love for life and drinking in all the moments that I’m so blessed to have with my family.
So much to wish for. More than I can even express! But my wishes are similar to many of yours.
ps – please don’t enter me in the giveaway since I’ve already won!
My wish is for a healthy 2009. Merry Christmas!
I wish for quiet moments before a fire and peace with those around me.
I wish for financial freedom and to be able to travel around the world with my family.
I wish that my husband’s new business will start bringing in an income so that it will survive and thrive.
I wish that my little boy would stay cancer free (he is at 3 years remission) and that my husband never ever has to go back to a war-zone.
fresh tastes of love…
I wish for a job…
I wish for my sons cataract surgery to go well today.
I wish for this bitterly cold weather to go away. (-25 wind chill) brrrrrr!
safe travels for my family
I wish I had the power to make all these wishes to occur. Balance-that’s a great one-yeah I wish I could balance this crazy life-I am already so blessed I shouldn’t wish for more.
I wish I could rewind the clock about 3 months and do it differently this time!
I wish I could give my wish to someone who needed it more than me.
I wish that my sister’s baby and my husband’s daughter’s baby are born safe and healthy.
I would also wish that we all treat each other and our surroundings with care.
I wish to be debt free, so that I can give more of myself to others in need and not have to worry about payments and debt.
I wish that people would grasp the true meaning of Emmanuel, God with us.
I wish to see my kids with God’s eyes.
I wish for my niece to get out of the PICU in time for Christmas.
I wish for strength to pursue my dreams
I wish for a job to come through for my husband.
I would wish for my very own photography studio
Thank you for asking!
I would wish that my ailing 13 year old Siberian Husky was 2 again, so I’d have another wonderful decade of her in my world. =) My son rightly describes her as happiness on 4 legs.
My wish would be to not be unemployed.
I wish for a good new year.
What a lovely post and a beautiful photo!
I would have to say that my one little wish would be seeing my family grow in Christ. There was no greater gift given than God’s own Son.
I wish for time to get my house finally organized.
I wish for continued health and happiness for everyone.
I wish that people would care more about the environment and realize that it’s their children’s future they’re destroying.
i wish for peace.
I would wish that everyone had the opportunity to feel even just a moment of peace and contentment during the holiday season.
there are so many wishes I would wish but for now – I wish the economy improves quickly and my prayers are with the new administration as they come and face the crisis the US has immediately. More people have lost their jobs this year than I ever imagined.
What a wonderful giveaway, both book and bag. This has been an incredible month at Shutter Sisters.
Oh please, please choose me. Life has been unkind lately and this would be a god send.
After reading the second comment I wish for June’s husband to come home too. Actually I wish for all our soldiers to make it home safely.
I echo Erin’s – debt free wish, and wish I could give more…money and time.
I’m wishing for peace–at home and far away.
My first baby is due next Monday, so I’m wishing for a safe and uncomplicated delivery, and that we’ll both be healthy and happy afterward.
THANK YOU!!! I am exciting to get a print from Sandra!!! (and no, I am not posting for another drawing today – one is enough, share the wealth! :))
I wish there was a cure for the disorder that my daughter and I have and that she would grow up without this problem and not have to worry about it as an adult.
My wish is big. And seemingly unatainable. My wish would be for family unity. For my daughter to accept my husband. For my parents to do the same…
But when I look at some of the above wishes; mine seems much less important. So for now, let me wish you all a Very Merry Christmas!
I wish for a cure for my neighbor.
I wish for a little peace for everyone.
I wish that I was as clever as my wife!
I would wish to feel "normal" and not have so much pain on the inside.
and I would wish that no one else would ever have to feel this pain.
Oh my, I started to read other people’s wishes — for healthy babies, cures for illness, husbands home safe — oh my. I hope all their wishes come true.
I wish I’d live each day as a child does – believing that wishes and dreams come true.
My wish would be for my kids to stay happy & healthy.
What a great post and gift!
I wish for health and happiness for my family.
I wish that the new pregnancy I’m sharing with close family today makes it all the way to a healthy, happy baby.
I wish to enjoy all the small moments this season and not be thinking of all the tasks.
I wish to be able to keep my home and to have the ability to buy fuel oil to heat it!
I wish for health and happiness and a way to pay for my husband to go back to college.
A serious wish….I wish for my sister to be cancer free…
My wish this Christmas is that the entire world would celebrate the TRUE meaning of Christmas.
One wish
to share with you all
One secret dream
to give away.
One wish to wish
that others can know
the beauty
that is my God
because I have somehow
His Love
In my lens.
I wish for health & happiness for my family.
Wow! This is post and these amazing wishes warmed me and gave me goosebumps all at the same time. I’m wishing for my husband’s vasectomy reversal surgery on the 2nd to be successful so we can start growing our family. May all our wishes come true!
there are so many things i would wish, but the one that would sing loud above the others is that my dream of being able to quit my full-time office job and finally pursue my passion of photography would happen soon. i know that many people have gone before me to stare their dream in the face and sacrifice everything to get it. i want my dream. i would love to throw everything by the wayside, lean on faith, take the HUGE leap of uncertainty, and jump all in (and possibly pee my pants on the way down…)
i wish to find the courage to take the next step, instead on standing on the edge and wishing…
I wish for happiness.
I wish for peace and harmony to all the beings on this earth.
I wish for my father to be comfortable in his battle with cancer.
I wish for the New Year to bring open doors and peaceful times to my family.
ANd a move to Portland would be great too!
i wish fro inner peace
My wish is more of an image I’ve always held of the sort of life I want: myself and several generations of my family sitting at a big table outdoors in the warm air at our family home, sharing a yummy meal and great conversation.
I wish for health and happiness for my family and friends.
I wish that everyone would be safe and happy during this holiday season. xox
Wow. I don’t know exactly, but I think it would be small. Small, but revolutionary….
I just scrolled down to leave a comment but then stopped and read all of the wishes.
They are all incredible in their own ways. So I second (or third or fourth) the notion that my wish is for all of these wishes to come true.
I wish for true love. And a fervent wish that all these other wishes and prayers come to being in the New Year.
I wish for some Christmas spirit
Kinda lacking around here – for no obvious reason . . . Merry Christmas, everyone!!!
I wish for our parents to be healthy and not have to continue working 14 hours days, 6 days a week while in their 60’s! And I wish we would be able to spend Christmas together. Looks like we all might be snowed in!
I wish that my kids would kick this illness and be healthy for Christmas!
I love this picture. How sweet. Congrats to all the winners.
I’m in the South too and enjoyed this warm spell very much…though today it’s cold again….burr.
My wish is for my new pregnancy to be as successful as my first one was.
My wish is that everyone could find a little piece of happiness everyday.
My wish for the new year would be the strength to accomplish a few of my big goals…cutting my empire (junk) in half, fixing my fiat, and becoming a happy single woman. Oh, and prosperity galore!
goodness all these wishes have made me choke up…i wish for grace each day
I wish for a baby for those that are wishing for one.
I wish to always focus on our blessings and not our trials. Really, seeing all of these wishes I’m reminded that I have a healthy family that is together and I should be grateful for that every moment.
I would wish for peace for everyone
lovely photo
I feel very lucky that I will be with my family at Christmas and truly know how fortunate I am in my work, family and friends. That said, I wish that a few big long-term projects would come through next year. I would be grateful and so would my banker.
I wish for peace in my life in 2009.
I wish for depression to stay at bay in the coming year and to feel some more of the sparkly sunshine I started to feel in the last part of this year.
I wish for love to enter my life.. including self love.
I wish that I never stop wishing : )
I’m wishing for a change in the economy! I’ve been out of work for a year, and my two beautiful angels deserve so much more than unemployment can provide!
I wish for an end to the war.
I wish that my family will always be as close and as happy as we are this Christmas.
My wish is that my children and I have a peaceful new year while their daddy is in Iraq. The stress of preparing for that has not brought out the best in any of us. We have talked about remaining calm and loving to each other every day.
My main wish is always for my dad’s health. We don’t want to go what we went through this year anymore!
so many of my wishes have already come true this season so I’ll just stick to the wishes I have for the next few hours – safe trips home for my children tonight!
Well, I would wish for understanding. People think they understand, but we often don’t even listen long enough to let understanding blossom in our minds. Wouldn’t understanding be wonderful? After that, we could stop fighting each other so much.
I wish to go back to the day before Thanksgiving, to call, to let him know i care and was thinking of him… and to invite him to dinner.
My wish for 2009…to find more time to pursue my art and more opportunites to share my artwork with others.
I wish for my husband to be stress-free and content with his job. And I wish for a life full of harmony and peace for my children and for all of their wishes to come true.
I wish to continue to find peace within myself and remain open to the peace that others bring in to my life.
If my genie gives more than one wish, I would also like to add a wish of fiscal responsibility. My goal for 2009 is to build a savings account my Mom would be proud of.
i would wish for health for my dad.
Oh, wow. I am blown away by your wishes. Thank you for sharing a bit of yourself here at Shutter Sisters. My wish for you:
i really really wish
that everyone in the world would like everyone else in the world.
My wish is a pretty tall order–I would wish for our family to be happy all the rest of our days
I would wish for a happy and inspiring 2009…Where there is nothing stopping inspiration from taking flight.
Thanks for the great give aways
My wish would be to finish at least one of my books and find a publisher before next Christmas.
Seems a bit selfish, but my everyday wishes are usually about others.. the new year will be about making my dreams come true.
I wish my parents health would improve, so they could enjoy the holidays.
I wish for peace on earth.
I wish all my friends who were laid off this past year would get fabulous jobs that they love & cover all their expenses & then some!
I wish I could always see the gifts in my life clearly as I do right now.
I absolutely love pictures of children blowing dandelion wishes. There is just something so childlike and innocent about them. They are one of my favorite things to photograph.
My one wish this year would be for my mom. She had a liver transplant this summer and has had a rough road since then. My one wish is that she can catch a break and enjoy a fuller life for a little bit instead of fighting every day, week, month, etc.
i wish to have power back by thursday when i have the day off.
I wish my husband was leaving for Iraq in three days.
I wish my husband was NOT leaving for Iraq in three days. Wow. Somebody’s not thinking straight!