I’ve had a rough couple of days. You know the ones. Where everything goes wrong and there’s not enough time and you just don’t handle things well. Where you lose your cool and let everything get the best of you. The days when you just look forward to bed. I know we’ve all been there but somehow it doesn’t make it any less disheartening.
I was wallowing around, groaning and grumbling about what was probably nothing discernable to anyone, while my husband opened a package that came in the mail. As he pulled out a bundled wad of newspaper about the size of a grapefruit, he slowly uncovered a small box made of polished metal and shiny black plastic.
“I got this for you because…because…you’re having a bad day”, he said soft and kind with his gentle smile and extended his offering to me.
I went from miserable to grateful in an instant. As I studied the pristine vintage Kodak Brownie Reflex 20, I marveled and smiled back. Totally speechless.
“And look, ” he continued, as he lifted the lid that covered the large viewfinder at the top, “it’s just like you wanted.”
Indeed. There is was, a viewfinder that framed the beautiful world outside of my muddled head; saturated color, bold shapes, bright light and clarity. Like a child, I began to squeal with delight and so began the instantaneous shift from pity party to creative celebration.
Playing with my new toy for about an hour pulled me out of my mood. Not for good unfortunately, for I do believe that hormones will have the best of me for a few more days, but certainly for long enough to be reminded that sometimes a kind gesture, a simple spark, a tiny new way to see the world is all it takes to shine light on the darkest places.
Tell me, when was the last time you had a shift like this, from blue to blush? Was it something someone said? What it using your own camera to mine out the gems of your life? Share with us they way you’ve experienced your own kind of “pick me up”.
Image of me holding my new muse (above) courtesy of my 8 year old daughter via my iphone.
Caryn says
What a great story. Congrats on your new-to-you Brownie! It's funny, I just had one of those shifts today. Nothing I've seen through my lens lately has struck me as very interesting or inspiring. But today, in the midst of a beautiful natural setting, some trash and weeds caught my eye and made my day: http://instamaticgratification.wordpress.com/2012/01/25/25366/
Ana Eugenio says
likewise, I've been having a rough month, some medication side effects left me to sleep most of the days and feeling miserable I find no inspiration to photograph until my imagination surprised me: http://www.anasofiaeugenio.com/2012/01/shire.html
Marcie says
Oh…how I know those kinds of days and weeks…..but – of late – have felt buoyed by a finding of a bunch of like-minded creative people:
Karin says
(Trying to post a comment in firefox now, because I seem to be having problems with posting here when I use IE.)
Oh those hormones. Not my friends either. Normally today would be day on the couch for me, trying to fight off the somberness. But today I am baking pies, because my eldest turned seven today. His smile when he saw his new bike warmed my heart en melted away the grumpiness. He said: I can feel I am a little older today, mama. It feels different, but in a good way, I think. Gotta love that.
Yesterday I decided to try and be more kind to the world. I guess I should understand a little better that I am included in that world too, and I should be more kind to myself too.
What an amazing gift from your love. He must know you so well. Isn't a love like that amazing?
I hope you will feel better again soon!
Kathryn Dyche Dechairo says
I experienced that kind of pick me up from a splash of color the other day.
Melissa says
I'm wallowing in sick germs with sick kids at the moment and it's so hard to stay positive. Thanks for the reminder.
Shirley LeMay says
Awwww, I love toys like that! I just happened to receive a mint Brownie Hawkeye yesterday – it completely lifted my mood.
ELK says
what a special gift ..thanks so much for sharing this Tracey.
my dog is aged and struggling .. at a time which could be sad and overwhelming , he is showing me more than I realize right in front of my eyes ..that shift you speak of in a different light I suppose …
kelly says
Recently, kind words from strangers, who are stranges no longer, have brought me out of my funk. Love your new camera!
kelly says
…and how could I forget…I got to hold a baby…
Valerie says
Great story! I was feeling a little dry creatively, then I visited a shop that was so full of wonders I couldn't help but feel better…
leaca says
The darkness here in Alaska are rough on me. Lately when I leave work in the afternoon it is light outside and it has been such a pick me up. Yesterday the two cameras I ordered came in the mail and I am still excited and feeling the pick me up from that.
Laine says
Lovely story. Those tender moments of kindness mean so much, especially on a bad day. Love the image!
Marta Rhine says
I have been stuck in a rut for weeks now. Feelings of inadequacy and a whole lot of self-pity. While working on my blog last night, I found an old picture I took of my son when I had just purchased my new Nikon, taken at a time when I really was completely oblivious to how a camera like that worked. Yet it's one of my favorite images ever, and its bright colors and well, the subject himself made me smile. Just like that a little of my burden lifted. Photography does that for me, it takes me to a different state of mind. Thanks for your post, I'm glad I'm not the only one that has her momments. x
Sandee says
My husband had his second shoulder surgery in six weeks last week. Both of my grown children are (temporarily) living back at home. Work has been difficult and winter finally decided to show it's face in the Inland Northwest. My latest Project 365 (ending in six days) has left me feeling frustrated & uninspired.
Imagine my surprise & delight when my step-daughter and granddaughter brought me roses a few days ago.
Jessica says
You have the best husband ever! And I definitely know those days.
Dezra Despain says
One day after a stressful week, I opened my dishwasher and smiled. I smile so large that I became aware that I was smiling! And it was because of a small thing, really. But it made me look at the small things differently, especially when life is being unfair in the larger scheme of things:
Thank you for the reminder.
Kristin says
I loved this article because of your honesty. I am a very glass half-full gal but also have days like this (I'm having one today) and it is such a joy when you go from "blue to blush." (great phrase too) The most effective mood changing thing for me is a walk in nature with my dog. I feel so much energy from the sun and the trees and the pleasure is multiplied when I can share the moment with my sweet dog.
I think the important thing to remember is that you have the power to elevate your mood by making a choice to do so.
Thanks for a good post. I'm such a Shutter Sisters nerdy fan already, these images and shared moments make it even better! ๐
Francis says
What a wonderful story! Your husband knew just how to turn your frown upside-down.
Sarah Jane says
What a sweet story, and sweet man!
Love this photo, and what a fun new camera to play with.
My husband does a great job of cheering me up when I need it. Often the ways in which he succeeds have much to do with some sort of food. ๐
Agnes Fegan says
I've had some "stuff" going on lately and had parked myself on the couch this afternoon with a cover over my head, hiding from the world and not answering the phone. I haven't checked into Shutter Sisters lately and for some reason, I just logged on to the website. Thanks for sharing your story…I really could relate and it gave me a "pick me up"! I don't think my husband will have a new camera for me when I pick him up at the train station in a half hour, but I am smiling again…!
veronica says
Love your new friend! It will bring you many moments of creative joy. I am sharing my latest post with you. Enjoy that little treasure that has found it's way to you!
Petinahope says
Aw, I love "nice things my hubby did today" stories!
I took "pick me up" a little more literally today… my baby nephew in his grandma's arms:
silentchaterz says
A heartwarming story and I'm jealous of you.
My medicine for bad days always be my nieces and nephews.
They always light up my darker days.
Sabrina says
I was inspired by this post especially this line "a kind gesture, a simple spark, a tiny new way to see the world is all it takes to shine light on the darkest places".
Michelle Bodamer says
I hope you had fun with your gift! This post really hit home with me. January has felt like one obstacle after another and I'm trying to just get through it. I finally just took some photos of the dogs this morning to get outside and get some fresh air. http://www.michellebodamer.com/blog/2012/1/27/rainy-day-january-studio-update-news.html
Mostly though, as much as I love winter I'm thinking I could definitely use a healthy dose of "something amazing" happening and an early arrival of Spring.
Also chocolate seems to be helping. ๐
Chelsea says
Oh what a sweet, wonderful gesture! Don't you love when the people around you do little things like that when they know you needed it most and you expect it the least? Life has been truly rough for my lately. I had a particularly bad day last week, and I opened the front door to go get the mail and on the doorstep was a package for me. I opened it and revealed the sweetest heart-adorned teacup sent by my aunt as an early Valentine's Day. Instantly I felt better, felt loved, felt I could I breathe a little.
Helene says
What a beautiful post! Love it! And my moment….this past Thursday night at a photo exhibit/contest reception when a stranger came up to me and told me how much she liked my work. I went from 'mediocre' to 'euphoric' in a second! In fact, I'm still on cloud 9!
Helios Binoculars says
thanks for posting such information.I experienced that kind of pick me up from a splash of color the other day.I loved this article because of your honesty. I am a very glass half-full gal but also have days like this (I'm having one today) and it is such a joy when you go from "blue to blush." (great phrase too) The most effective mood changing thing for me is a walk in nature with my dog. I feel so much energy from the sun and the trees and the pleasure is multiplied when I can share the moment with my sweet dog.nice article and post more article.