a full menu
inflatable starfish
and a palm tree made of glass
anchored in the bay
lights dim
to that familiar tune
drenched in the remains
of an evening sun
and buoyant conversations
she seeks
the calm out back
* * *
I’ve been infatuated with words lately. The whimsy and weight of them. I captured this image at the beach last summer and found that the words followed a few days later. Do you find that images linger in your mind and take shape in new ways? Do you let the words come to you just as the images do?
i tripped
& fell coming down memory lane
who knew it could be so dangerous
i love words too! and jewelry with words. anything with words, really.
Naming or ‘titling’ the photo is as much fun for me as creating the image itself:
the words create the images and the images create the words.
I posted this photo. Then I read your post and went back to write…always inspiring when I come here.
i roll the words around in my mind for a few days, it’s almost as if they will everything else into existence.
the photos come then the words …mine today are with cacti i have been observing:
time to bloom
no matter what season of life you are living
no thought of your shape or color
not who you have been or becoming
A photo, and words to go with it, that I composed this past weekend.
almost always, they go hand and hand….
if I’m short on words, a photo will bring the right ones to the surface for me…..
and if I love love love a photo…the words come spilling out easily that were somehow made to fit perfectly with what I see in front of me…
I love words. I love photos. I started a blog several months ago matching favorite quotes with photos. One quote, one photo a day. That is it. The quotes aren’t mine (for the most part), but the photos are.
This is a photo taken after a tornado hit our small town a year ago. It wasn’t hard to match the quote with the image this time. http://quotequill.blogspot.com/2009/06/tragedies.html
beautiful picture painted here through words and the photo. thank you.
a poem about my childhood and innocence came to me {posted in a guest post i did here:http://orangesalad.blogspot.com/2009/06/visiting-from-my-little-corner-of.html} after i took these pictures of daisies here: http://itsjusthowiseethings.blogspot.com/2009/06/untitled.html
hmmmm . . . my words post link did not work. i’ll try this again.
this is a brilliant post Steph. I love words but lately I have not practiced the writing. i spent precious time at a retreat this weekend and although I couldn’t find the words, someone else did and they were magic.
here’s my post that links to Jena Strong’s words. they match my heart.
Word and image do come, arms linked together skipping through a back yard, across tree lined paths and into the sand. To be baptised by water, in summer. (or that’s what I see in the image you posted, how lovely the power of one word, one image, to enter into and expose treasure lying dormant, in waiting…
What comes to mind to share:
Yes. wow. I just did these today with pics I took several weeks ago of some of my nieces and nephews – just ask to be my flickr friend to see.
Sometimes the words come first and other times I am simply forced to add the story because the picture just can’t possibly say it all. I feel like the camera is my perfect tool. I have a million words running through my head and no time to get them down. The camera helps with spurring them on into life when the time is finally there.
or like in this case the picture allows me to recall the priceless words that went along with my daughter’s expression.
I’m a quote collector. I love quotes. I have notebooks of quotes dating back to my childhood. Sometimes a picture I capture just begs for the right quote…