He slipped in silently and went about his work. Dusting away the spider webs. Sweeping with a brush made of sticks. An assignment. He caught my eye. In spite of his swift movement toward the light, I could feel the weight of his task. Pokhara, Nepal
He slipped in silently and went about his work. Dusting away the spider webs. Sweeping with a brush made of sticks. An assignment. He caught my eye. In spite of his swift movement toward the light, I could feel the weight of his task. Pokhara, Nepal
Wonderful image!! And – your words make it all so real!
Great image! Love the international flair, feel and colors! Here's my contribution straight from Jamaica!
Love this shot. The colors and light are wonderful.
Lovely, lovely image. The light!
Love the words with this shot…
Thank you for the beautiful words that accompany the beautiful photo.