The end of the year is coming fast and furious, and most of us plotting and planning what our New Year might look like. We’re picking words for our best intentions and at the same time we’re looking back at the year behind us; reflecting on our proudest moments as well as those we let slip through our fingers.
I feel myself a little in limbo as I am looking both back and forward. I want to give the past year it’s due respect; to fully honor it and make a mental note of how far I’ve come. And yet I am starting to plan for what is next as January 1 is such a strong symbol of the next chapter; I want to be really ready for it.
With all that, I am recalling all the many seemingly two-sided debates we wrestle with in our daily lives.
What about you? Do you grapple with two sides of the story? Or two choices? Now, later? Empty, full? Sunrise, sunset? Inside, outside? Before, after? Chocolate, vanilla?
Whatever your angle, share today your tale of two sides. Or if you prefer, a happy medium or a meeting in the middle. Maybe these choices are less about conflict and more about striking a harmonious balance.
However you choose to look at things today: we want to see it.
Marcie says
Oh yes..yes. I am sharing and struggling and sitting – still – on both sides of the end-of-year/new year's fence. Have written about it just today:
Puna says
You have such a way with words Tracey.
The top two images on my mosaic are two sides of focus.
Beth says
The last few years, I have struggled to find balance between all my blessings and all that has been taken away. Hoping that this next year finds some peace and resolution…
Jen at Cabin Fever says
I am a fan of striking a balance. Life can't be all black and white. It doesn't work like that. There are shades of gray. –> My Photo Blog –> Check out this month's Photo Assignment!
Lisa says
Those photos are stunning! Lovely. And the message is so brilliant. <3 I agree: I don't think there has to be a choice! Only a point of harmonization… says
I struggle between work and play.
Some days feel like all work…oh lets face it…all days feel like all work.
I struggle with the play part.
Photography is pure play to me…
There is laundry to be done, and presents to be wrapped, no-one has had breakfast yet and the dog needs to be walked. But I snuck away to check a favorite site.
Now I'll go post something that makes me smile.
And no matter what else happens today.
I know I played a little
Suki says
Playing with cocoa powder and making sweet stuff today. I am at total balance.
Thanks for your inspiring words today.
biba says
there is only Now…no seperation that the calendar purports…. Yes I can review the past but what is it? and the future equally does not exist. It is just, this, this this…now.
Cynthia at Coffee On The Patio says
Wonderful photo and post. I think as I've aged I've gotten more comfortable dangling between two choices. Okay "comfortable" may not be the right word…dangling certainly does not sound comfortable. I guess I've gotten used to being between two places. It doesn't stress me out so much any more. It used to drive me crazy. I hated not feeling grounded in one choice/place or another. Now, if I keep reminding myself to breathe, I can be with the "in-between" until it starts feeling clearer. Often I need more information or just time to let it brew.
tara says
So well put, as always, Tracey.
My state of limbo has me caught between the anticipation of a brand new baby and wanting to savor these last few weeks (days?) of my firstborn as the (one and only) baby.
Texan Mama says
God's Beauty is absolutely amazing.
Thanks for this project.
e l k says
a lovely way to think of the time of year ..beautiful photo as always Tracey.
i am late posting this but as so often happens ..we were on the same wave length without knowing it..
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