Life is known to be unpredictable, unsteady, uneven, un- lots of things despite our best laid plans. I am sadly not at Camp, but sending good thoughts and so much love to our Shutter Sisters gathered on the west coast today. One of the things I was most looking forward to was a hefty dose of the unfamiliar and unexpected. Yet as much as I wish I was there, I’ve decided to reverse the natural instinct to be unhappy and give myself some latitude to unleash an extra dose of creativity while Camp is in session. Are you with me?
Your challenge today – Wednesday: Seek and share the unfamiliar or the unexpected.
Find something odd within a mile of your home. Turn something upside down (or inside out). Meet a stranger. Wear something funky. Shoot a view of yourself you typically wouldn’t see in the mirror. Place an object in the wrong environment. Tie a balloon to someone’s car. Pick up an inexpensive mask and leave it on the kitchen table. Put a candle in the meatloaf and make a wish. Defy the familiar.
Tag your images with #beyondcampsisters
Add your images to our Shutter Sisters Flickr group or share images in Instagram (with the tag in your image title) and leave your username in the comments so we can find and follow you. There just might be an unexpected surprise for an unsuspecting winner on Wednesday.
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Congratulations to Natalie Pigliacampo (@nataliepigliacamp on Instagram) for sharing a most awesome #beyondcampsisters photo via Instagram. Look for the red balloon. Happy to send a signed copy of “The Art of iPhoneography: A Guide to Mobile Creativity.”
It's all about the unfamiliar..the unexpected..and change and growth right here:
Love your way of reversing those natural instincts to be unhappy and to find something other.
Camp wan't in the cards for me this year, but so many of my friends are there & posting regularly, I almost feel as though I'm along for the ride.
I've been processing a huge batch of b&w photos I took of a dance group at practice, so yesterday's ig photo was a real departure for me. I don't think I've done anything so saturated in – well – ever. It was fun & I know I probably wouldn't have played this way with an image from my dslr.
I've share this:
I was in Chinatown yesterday and found this door with a quirky address. Vancouver's Chinatown was established in 1887. These oddball address started popping up before the city enforced a proper numbering system. It's cool to find them in the most unexpected places. Most unexpected!
My Flickr username is tatterededge.
I've a daily medication I can't miss, and then I've these: that always brighten my day ๐
today i noticed something unexpected on a dead tree down by the water
i took the time and trouble to scramble down a grassy slope and found this….
I went looking through the pumpkin patch for odd angles and shapes. I never think of pumpkins as dewy or deflated…
Next time I want to go to camp too!
My pic is on Instagram – username: @gorgeousfun
Also wanted to mention that I really enjoyed your iPhoneography book! I just upgraded to the 4s phone from 3g, so I am going to like the photo apps even more.
Man did I have a bad case of jealousy this morning about not being at camp. Now I'm just waiting for more tweets to come out of Asilomar ๐ Meanwhile, I was lucky to grab just the right moment of sunshine this afternoon – I've been missing them lately, so it was a serendipitous moment for me!
Having fun with this & seeing all the camp fun on instagram :)) my fun is @chellebelle76
Shutter Sister Camping vicariously thru Instagram in Indy. My pic is on Instagram– I am @smjoyceindy
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