In April, as many of you know, I spent several days and nights with Jen and Odette and her girls from Rwanda to document their reunion after four years of seperation. I cherished this experience so much. What strikes me about my collection of images from this period of time is the instant and vivid, very visible connection between Odette and her daughters. It was as if there had been no space between them. After four years of being apart, I expected some distance. Hesitation. Barriers. Yet none were visible. They just seemed to fit.
Let’s see some connections today. Share an image of two people who just seem to fit.
Congratulations to the winners of the Hello Summer contest:
The Grand Hello goes to Kelly Lagner Sauer.
And the 2 runners up are Lisa G. and Jenny Modesitt.
Thanks for all the summer goodness everyone!
And don’t forget to order your canvas from Hello Canvas before the end of June for 40% off!
I understand this idea of fit so well now. On the post below, at the bottom of the page, in the last image, you’ll see two people who fit so well they knew it within the first six weeks of meeting and never looked back.
No hard times, no working at it, just love sweet love. We fit.
My father and I had this amazing relationship. I moved from New Jersey to California about 14 years ago, but we stayed close, in fact perhaps got closer to each other than ever before. When my daughter was born, there was an instant connection with them. Although she only saw him about 2 times a year, they really seemed to fit together. He passed away last year, exactly one month before my son was born. I feel like he is in our lives every day, watching over us.
Anyway, here is my favorite photo of my father and my daughter, taken on the first and last Christmas they got to spend together.!/photo.php?pid=30523190&id=1265287530
I suppose the accompanying photo doesn’t illustrate connection as much as the text does in this blog post. But I immediately thought of this moment and the close-up photo makes my son feel vivid and corporeal, if that makes any sense.
A little boy and his grandfather out for a Sunday walk:
These two people seem to ‘fit’ accidentally, but still perfectly.
thank you for this time to reflect on the bonds between people …their reunion has been a delight to follow
a fit like no other …sisterhood:
what a beautiful capture of emotion….
omigoodness – I so totally did not expect to win! thank you so much!
Two of my favorite people on this planet. Their love for each other is infectious too!
First kiss as a married couple. Close together and never going to be apart now!
I love their story and they absolutely fit…so moving!
I keep coming back to this photo of my brother and my son. Not only do they look like carbon copies of each other, but they just get each other. Their time together is amazing to watch!
My boys. They truly are a perfect pair.
Last summer, I went on a church mission trip to help out miners in West Virginia. My group of teens worked on a house for this couple, Sue and Jimmy, who have been married for over thirty years. Although they hardly have a roof over their heads, they’re still madly in love, and it inspired the teens.!/photo.php?pid=30298570&id=1237822538&fbid=1099241521410
My pals – four of gals have been friends since our first day of high school together. We are one another’s puzzle pieces. We just fit.
my little niece and nephew- a perfect fit…just this simple photo was difficult to capture but when I did I could feel the love and connection these two little siblings have for each other 🙂
Twins. It doesn’t get better than twins. They just seem to know one another so deep to the core that there is just no separating them. I am truly blessed to be a Mama of these two.
I hope I’m doing this right. My daughter and her cousin who lives across the country got to share a week in Hawaii this summer. They got along famously.
my husband and my middle boy, malachy, they just slot into each other. it’s perfect:
here’s to special connections, the world over!
Check out these two.
So excited to be a runner up! Thanks so much.
oh wow! Thank you for choosing me as a runner up.
my boys are the best match. despite the tangles in moods and daily naptime conflicts, they’re just…the best.
These jerseys which are interestingly termed retro basketball jerseys are old school. Here is an example, men football jerseys, Kobe’s jersey at the present time, but the Lakers look 20 years ago. That would be an example of the throwback kind. Sports stars put them on now and again during games
Most of these jerseys state they’re replicas,sports jerseys store, yet in fact aren’t. They are the cheapest ones out there. They’ve screen imprinted lettering, additionally are made of the least expensive fabrics availableNike.