Oh, April! What a glorious month you are; ushering out the bare and chilly winter while welcoming in the slow and sure warmth of spring. At this threshold of the new season we look forward to more than just a change in the weather, we long to discover and experience all things fresh, new and beautiful. With every glimpse of sunny sky, every sprig that shoots up and every blossom that begins to bud, we can feel the gifts being bestowed upon us; hope, promise and grace. We, here at Shutter Sisters, can think of no better way to celebrate this transformative and tender turn of the seasons than by savoring and sharing these gifts. And we’ve got the sweetest way to do just that! Together with our friends at Stampington, we invite you to participate in a month-long creative outpouring of gratitude called #GiftingGrace. Inspired by the authentic and abundant beauty of Stampington & Company’s newest publication, Bella Grace Magazine, we encourage you to join us in capturing your own grace-inspired images and sharing them with and dedicating them to your sister-friends. It is through #GiftingGrace that we can give encouragement and inspiration to those we care about, one beautiful picture at a time. It is in that giving that we also receive. By playing along, you have a chance to be gifted with one of the many copies of the spring issue of Bella Grace Magazine. There will be 5 copies given away each week. We told you this was going to be sweet! The rules are simple:
- Follow both @BellaGraceMagazine and @ShutterSisters on Instagram
- Tag your Instagram images with the hashtags #GiftingGrace & #BellaGraceMagazine
- Dedicate your #GiftingGrace image(s) to a friend or friends that you want to encourage and inspire by naming them in your caption. We ask that you also tag them to do the same so that the gifts of grace can continually blossom and bloom throughout all of April.
- There are no limits to the number of images you tag or the dedications you make. The giving is endless!
The benefits are great:
- On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays we will be featuring hand-selected #GiftingGrace images via the Shutter Sisters Instagram feed (giving you photo credit, of course).
- Each Friday we will list 5 recipients of the Bella Grace Magazine giveaways via Instagram.
- We will feature some selected #GiftingGrace images on the Shutter Sisters blog
The fine print is clear:
- We will notify each magazine winner via Instagram so be sure to check your IG message inbox if you see your name on Friday’s post. We will ask for your mailing address for shipping.
- By tagging your images you are giving Shutter Sisters, Bella Grace Magazine and Stampington permission to use your images for #GiftingGrace features and project promotions via any/all of the listed brand’s social media outlets (including Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and the brand’s blogs). You will be given photo credit.
Hooray for spring! Hooray for grace! Hooray for giving (and for receiving)! Now, let’s lift our lenses and share the images that will surely make our sister-spirits soar.
Ive only ever seen other bloggers show snippets of BG and this weekend, on accident, looking for another publication, did I find my own copy!!! I noticed right away that Kim Klassen was featured from her very distinct style. I was gigley when I realized 2 more blogger/ig friends were featured as well. So my first issue is extra special!
Absolutely LOVE your two books…! Wonder if Camera Men put out a similar book…? I’d have a copy in a heartbeat…!
Really nice of you to say Cliff.